C# Convert any value to a boolean C# Convert any value to a boolean

In these examples, I will demonstrate how to convert a string to boolean and an integer to boolean using C#.

You accept a variety of user input that you want to intelligently convert to a valid boolean variable. E.g. string of On = true. No = false.

Convert to Boolean C#

The solution will check the type of input. When the input is already a boolean or integer, we can easily convert it to true or false. When it is a string we will create a list of values that will result to either true or false.

Let's start by creating a static class with a static function that we will call later:

Convert 0 to Boolean C#

Lets use this function piece-by-piece. I've defined it for myself. To start, we should check if this isn't NULL and throw an exception. If yes you just returned this value.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Common.Helpers
public static class BoolConverter
public static bool ConvertToBool(object value)
throw new ArgumentException(value + " is not a valid boolean value.");

That we have our function definition let's implement it piecemeal. To start we will check if it is null and throw an exception:

if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Must provide a valid boolean value.");

Next, we can check if the object type is bool. If it is, simply return that value:

if (value is bool)
return (bool) value;

boolean to int C#

Next, if it is an integer, we can return true or false when the result is 1 or 0:

if (value is int)
var number = (int) value;
if (number == 1)
return true;
if (number == 0)
return false;

Now for the fun part; yes even more fun than how to convert date with C#. When the type is a string we will search for that string in our two lists. One list contains strings that equate to true and the second list contains strings that equate to false. Feel free to expand the list to meet your needs:

Convert String 1 to boolean value C#

if (value is string)
var text = (string)value;
var trueValues = new List<string> {"true", "t", "on", "yes", "y", "1"};
var falseValues = new List<string> { "false", "f", "off", "no", "n", "0" };</string></string>
if (trueValues.Any(t => t.Equals(text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
return true;
if (falseValues.Any(t => t.Equals(text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
return false;

That completes the function, here is the full class and function:

Public static bool class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Common.Helpers
public static class BoolConverter
public static bool ConvertToBool(object value)
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Must provide a valid boolean value.");
if (value is bool)
return (bool) value;
if (value is string)
var text = (string)value;
var trueValues = new List<string> {"true", "t", "on", "yes", "y", "1"};
var falseValues = new List<string> { "false", "f", "off", "no", "n", "0" };</string></string>
if (trueValues.Any(t => t.Equals(text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
return true;
if (falseValues.Any(t => t.Equals(text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
return false;
if (value is int)
var number = (int) value;
if (number == 1)
return true;
if (number == 0)
return false;
throw new ArgumentException(value + " is not a valid boolean value.");

Using Convert.ToBoolean to Convert String to Boolean

A conversion. Boolean methods can be very overwhelming. We're using the overload that only requires one string parameter: Convert. ToBoolean(string string name). If the conversion is successful, then the parameters passed must be true, false or null. The value is true. It does not take into account any cases of case letters and white spaces before the passed strings. If you pass other values then they throw FormatException and conversion fails. This exception must be handled so that the exception cannot be broken. Lets see how the procedure is implemented.

Using bool.Parse with C# Convert Object to Bool

Bool.Parse can also help convert strings to boolean values in C#. For a successful bool parse conversion, the string name parameter must be true. Also, these methods do not use cases or spaces that appear before or after a string. It is expected that if we pass a null value it throws an exception and the transformation is failing. To Brown. Unlike other bools, the only difference is output from null values.

ToBoolean Method Signatures

ToBoolean(String, IFormatProvider)

Converts an array of specified values into their boolean equivalent, with specified formatting specifications for specific cultures.


Important: This API doesn't support CLS. Specifies a 64bit unsigned integer and converts it to a Boolean corresponding integer.

ToBoolean(Object, IFormatProvider)

Convert a specified value to an equivalent Boolean value based on specified cultural formatting details.


Important This API is not CLS compatible. Convert a specified integer into a Boolean value.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to convert to bool in c#?

The following methods convert string to Boolean. Using string samples = "True". MyBool = bool. Parses(emple); // Orbool bool myBoul. Converts? inBoolain (example);

How to convert an integer to a boolean?

For conversion from integer to boolean, use integer to initialise a number of values on it. Now using == operator compares ints to values and if the matching is found TRUE returns true.

Can we convert int to boolean?

The java compiler doesn't allow casting integer booleans. Ints are primitive types that have values between -2147 483 648 to -2147 483 647. Booleans contain either false or true values. Also, using numbers with boundaries is not practical.

Can we convert int to boolean in C#?

Converts. The method ToBoolean() converts integers and booleans in C++. In C# integers are equal in boolean 0 and integer 1 are equal in boolean.

Can you convert a string to a boolean in C#?

How does toBoolean() convert string to boolean in code?

How do you convert to boolean?

To convert strings to Boolean use the parseBOOOLEEAN() method in Java. The parserboolean() method parses strings into Booleans. The returnboolean is an integer that returns true when the argument is not null, the string is equivalent to true in all cases, except the case.

How do you convert int to boolean?

Let me first initialize the integer. Variable in the et v = 100. In addition to the statement we are going to initialize with the val value by comparing the result with integers using ==.

How do I cast a boolean in C#?

A conversion tool is needed. Toboolean() converts integers to olean values using C#. In C#, integer 0 equals false in boolean while integer 0 equals false in booléan.

Is 1 true in C#?

C# example compiles via /unsafe switches. The loworder bits on the code are used for calculating the values. The value 1 indicates the true value and the value 0 implies false values.

What is a bool C#?

Boolean is words used to declare variables whose values are true or false. It's a pseudonym for System. Booleans. Bool keywords take 8 bits of memory. It has two possible values for bool: real/nul.

Can you cast a string to a bool?

Use parsingBooleans() to convert strings to booleans. parseboolean() parses strings into boolean. This boolean returns true if the string argument isn't null, and equals if no case; True in case of null.

Can you convert int to bool in C#?

The ToBoulean() method is used on C# because integers as well as boolean are base data types so we may use the transforms class. Converting. ToBoolean() tries to convert integer value to bool.

What is convert to boolean?

Convert the specified string representation to the Boolean value using the cultural-specific formatting information. Uses culture-specific formatting for conversion of specified object values into equivalent Boolean values.

How to Convert an integer to a boolean?

To convert integer to boolean use integer to initialize a number. Currently the operator == compares the int to the value. If matched TRUE returns the result.

Can we convert string to boolean in Java?

In Java, parsing Boolean methods are useful for transforming Strings into Boolean. ParseBoolean() parses string arguments in booleans. The booleani returned indicates a true value in a case that is equal, despite excluding case values, to the String true.

How to convert true to bool in C#?

The string type Boolean can be converted through the following method: string sample = true; bool myBool =bool. ‘Parsers'. // ORbool myBool = convert. ToBool(sample);

What is convert ToBoolean?

ToBoolian(Decimal) Change the value of the selected decimal number to a Boolean. ToOolean(Int32) Converts a 32bit integer to an equivalent Boolean integer.

Can we convert boolean to int in C#?

The boolean is implicitly converted to int. This rule can be enforced by C# compiler. This is the same rule that prohibits checking integers for statements.

How do you convert 1 and 0 to true and false?

Multiply original formula by 1 NOTE: You can easily divide original formula by 1 and subtract 0 from original formula to change TRUE for 1, FALSE for 0.

Published on Aug 5, 2022

Tags: ASP.NET MVC and Web API Tutorial | c#

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