The Ultimate CSS Tutorial for Beginner Programmers

Learn to Code with Practical Examples

Internet technology changed considerably during its beginnings. Is there a big difference? The look. The Internet looks really great today - that we forget the real site itself - all sorts of files which store content. It is designed to let us forget this fact and just go on the rides.

CSS has a lot of gratitude. CSS has become one of the most valuable tools in the design of an online experience. These developments in front-end web designing have increased the demand for web developers over the past decades.

CSS controls the style of an HTML document by implementing simple and intuitive functions. CSS refers to the cascading stylesheet.

CSS Cascade Specificity and Inheritance

The concept we explored up until now is relatively straightforward and the CSS is an HTML style rule. Usually a rule is associated with some page element. HTML is applied either in the external, internally or byline. The cakes were delicious.

When you begin coding CSS you may encounter situations where your pages may not appear the way they would be. The rules were written correctly, checked for browser compatibility and the software is still not working correctly.

Tell me the reason? CSS provides an additional layer of controls over the way your HTML affects pages and it also provides some advanced features.

What is CSS?

The CSS language focuses on designing and displaying websites. CSS translates the appearance of the page when loaded in a browser. This layout is called style. CSS is the standard language for design styling and works generally with the HTML language.

Cascading Stylesheets or CSS is the acronym. Style sheets refer to CSS and "Cascading" to describe how CSS applies to pages. Lets learn what it is.

Tell me the difference between HTML and CSS?

HTML and CSS help us build our favorite websites. But they are a distinct language which must be understood in different ways. HTML or Hypertext MarkUp Language defines content on websites, and includes text, links, images, and video content.

HTML files list everything that is on a webpage, but they do not tell you how they are displayed in your browser. CSS controls this style. CSS helps to ensure that a website's content appears as intended.

All CSS courses

Affecting Other Elements When One Element is Hovered using CSS

In the realm of web development, interactivity plays a crucial role in engaging users and providing a memorable browsing experience. One way to achieve this is by utilizing CSS to create dynamic effects. In this article, we will explore a powerful CSS technique that allows you to affect other elements when one element is hovered. By leveraging the power of CSS selectors and the ":hover" pseudo-class, you can bring your web designs to life. Let's dive in!

How Do CSS Triangles Work? Exploring the Magic of CSS Shapes

In the world of web design, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) plays a crucial role in transforming the appearance of web pages. While many designers are familiar with the standard properties of CSS, such as colors, fonts, and layouts, some hidden gems like CSS triangles can add a touch of creativity and uniqueness to your designs. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of CSS triangles, uncovering the secrets behind their creation and exploring some inspiring examples.

Valid Characters in Class Names and Selectors with CSS

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a fundamental technology used for styling web pages. When working with CSS, it is important to understand which characters are valid and allowed in class names and selectors. In this article, we will explore the rules and examples of valid characters that can be used in CSS class names and selectors.

Animated Speech Bubbles: Make Speech Bubbles Pop Up and Disappear Randomly with CSS

Speech bubbles are a popular design element used to display text in an engaging and interactive way. Adding animation to speech bubbles can make them even more visually appealing and eye-catching. In this article, we will explore how to create animated speech bubbles using CSS, without the need for JavaScript. Specifically, we will focus on making the speech bubbles pop up and disappear randomly, giving a dynamic effect to the user interface.

Creating a Typing Animation with CSS: Display Text as if It's Being Typed Out in Real-Time

In today's digital age, creating engaging and interactive user experiences is key. One way to captivate your audience is by incorporating dynamic elements, such as a typing animation, into your website. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to achieve a typing effect using CSS, making your text appear as if it's being typed out in real-time.

Let's get started!

Creating a Background Gradient with CSS

To create a gradient background image with CSS, you need two things: a starting color and a bottom color.

Transparent Background CSS

Let me show you several ways to make your HTML element have a transparent background using only CSS.

CSS3’s border-radius property and border-collapse:collapse don’t mix

Let's explore an alternative way to achieve border-collapse:collapse with border-radius in CSS to have a collapsed, rounded corner table.

Semi Rant: Absolute Position when it's relative

I have long been against absolute position. I always felt it the "lazy" way out. Until recently, I've seen the light. Absolute positioning works extremely well inside of a relative position. In fact it works so well, that it reduces my browser testing time because IT IS actually consistent!

Creating Diagonal Lines with CSS

The hr tag has been around for quite some time to provide a nice horizontal line to visually separate content. To achieve a vertical line, it's typically been accomplished via border-left or border-right. However, this is when you can get into height issues or columns that don't extend the whole way, etc… Instead CSS3 allows for the rotation of elements and allow for vertical or diagonal lines to be created with some basic CSS. This is accomplished with the transform property.

CSS Attribute Selectors

Have you ever wanted to set a custom style on all images that contain .png as their extension? How about some custom CSS for a URL that is under SSL (perhaps add a lock image beside it?). In CSS3, attribute selectors have been added to allow for partial matches to attribute values. The match can be at the start, end, or anywhere else in the string.

Rotating DOM Elements using CSS

Modern browsers and CSS3 begins to allow us much more freedom using standard text without the need of images. Not only does this speed up page load times, it also lowers bandwidth costs as well. Using CSS3, many standard DOM (Document Object Model) objects can easily be rotated, such as: images, text, block elements, etc…

Let's explore how we can use the transform CSS property to accomplish this.

Transitioning AJAX Content into view with CSS3 Animations

In a previous article, I demonstrated how you can use jQuery to Transition AJAX Content into view with $.animate(). In this article, we are going to remove the jQuery animation and use CSS3 instead.

CSS3: Custom Fonts using font-face

font-face in css

Let me start by saying that I am not a designer, so this feature didn't mean much to me; however, when we told designers that they can start using custom fonts – they want ape @$!# for it.

Over the years it has been mentioned countless times how little time you have to capture a person's attention on your website. Often times this can be done with flashy or enticing designs. With this comes increased download times – slowing the page load down. Also, many web hosting providers supply a limited bandwidth or charge per GB. Flashy or enticing designs can be costly in both the bandwidth and page load times.

With the ability to embed fonts with CSS3, us web developers, can start pleasing our designers by embedding their custom fonts in the website and stop using images to achieve the same affect.

Apply two different colors to a single character with CSS

When you have one or more characters in a word/logo that you want to apply multiple colors to (not a gradient).

To accomplish two unique colors inside one character, the content property of CSS will be used in conjunction with the :beforepseudo element.

Disabling text selection/highlighting with CSS

You want to prevent text from being selected/highlighted; whether to prevent copying and pasting or accidental text selection.

To solve this problem you will want to set the user-select CSS property to none.

Simplifying the buzz word “Responsive Design”

Every so often there is a new buzz word in the web development/design industry.  A few years ago it was HTML5 and CSS3.  Now it seems to be “responsive design”.  And of course this makes a lot of sense.  With more and more Internet users accessing the content on their laptop or desktop PC, tablets, and mobile phones, websites need to be able to be ready to serve up the content in an appropriate fashion.

In this article, I want to take a step back and help simplify this process because by stopping and thinking just a little bit, it doesn’t need to be complicated.  In fact it’s quite simple.

At the time of writing this article, my blog is only about 50% responsive, I am planning a new design soon that will take it to the next level.

CSS: Start Generic before going Specific

This might be a boring refresher for some people; however, I think it’s important from time-to-time to go back and visit the basics.  CSS can provide a lot of power to a web developer (or designer), but when used improperly it can cause a lot of headaches.

When using CSS, like doing on development, it’s important to stop and think about what you are doing and more importantly, what’s the easiest way to accomplish it!

Let’s start with understanding the acronym behind CSS – it stands for Cascading Style Sheets.  Cascading, being the very important word to understand.  This means that the base styles you define will carry throughout (or cascade) all of your design unless a specific style is overridden.

I’m going to begin by demonstrating how I typically begin creating a style sheet.

Developers to the rescue of designers...again!

I don't know about you, but my designers love their custom fonts and I'm tired of slicing and reslicing images - especially when the website is multilingual.

CSS3 to the rescue allowing us to import custom fonts and make them work cross-browser.  Check out how to use the @font-face CSS3 tag to do it!

CakePHP CSS Enhancements From 1.2 To 1.3

This article does seem a bit late since CakePHP 2.0 is on it's way.  However, I felt it prudent to point out a few things that I'm really happy to see in the new default CSS provided by CakePHP.

On CakePHP's website, you will find an excellent migration guide from 1.2 to 1.3 here:

It describes in great detail the various changes throughout the entire application and there are a lot of them.  But I think it left out some of the most important stuff, the default CSS provided for people who use the bakery to create their websites!

One of the things that irked me in 1.2 was I had to manually update the paginator helper to display what field is currently being sorted on.  Many times I had to ensure my peers were also doing the same thing and a lot of time was wasted checking this and ensuring it was done correctly.

margin: 0 auto; not centering in Internet Explorer?

The other day, I had chopped up a design.  Sliced and diced if you will.  I proceeded to creating the HTML once all of the images were sliced up.

Things were going great.  As per usual I began designing in Mozilla to use Firebug to tweak the CSS and HTML.  Once I finished the design, I proceeded to test in Chrome, Safari, and of course, Internet Explorer.

Every browser but Internet Explorer was working perfectly, what gives?

Optimize your CSS and JS with CakePHP in minutes

One of my first articles discussed YSlow.  An excellent Mozilla add-on to help you understand why your web page may be loading slowly.

In that article, I describe the importance of gzip, minify, and grouping your Javascript and CSS code into one file each.

Just recently I was surfing CakePHP's bakery and found a nice add-on to simplify the process and make it super easy.

CSS Tips - Margins in Internet Explorer

This is the first article to follow-up on my why "Why Is Internet Explorer Better?".

Today's article is going to discuss how Internet Explorer deals with margins.  To explain this weird and frustrating issue, I am going to build a photo gallery and break it down into several steps.

YSlow - Helping slow web pages load faster

This article is a continuation to my article about FirebugYSlow is an add-on to Firebug that helps developers determine why a site is loading slowly.

After you install YSlow, if you open up Firebug in Mozilla a new tab will now appear called "YSlow".  The next steps would be to load a web site that you want to check it's performance.  After the web site has loaded, click the YSlow tab, if the results don't compile automatically, click the Performance button to run the diagnostics.

The grading is made up of 13 steps.  For each step you receive a grade from A to F.  An overall grade is compiled in the same format.

Firebug - A developer's best friend

I think a good place to start is to describe one of my favorite tools.  It's called Firebug, it's an add-on for Mozilla browsers.

At work, if one of my co-workers comes to me in the J-Block and asks a Javascript or CSS question, before I even consider helping them I ask if they reviewed the styles or the Javascript in Firebug.  9 times out 10 if it's a really easy answer, you'll see it almost immediately with the help of Firebug.

Applications of CSS

As mentioned previously, CSS is an extremely popular CSS style. Here is a list that I'll list below. CSS saves time. Alternatively, a style can be specified for an HTML element and can be applied on as many sites as you like.

Using the CSS code you can easily change HTML tags and attributes. Write a CSS rule for a tag and apply them to every instance of that tag. Also fewer codes means faster downloading.

How to Write CSS?

The reason CSS has a purpose is to explain what is important in a language. Tell us the code. HTML users will find the CSS syntax slightly different. Instead of listing the site information CSS lists the style guidelines for each HTML document, a whole or multiple HTML document.

This rule can be processed when the web server loads HTML files. Generally speaking CSS rules have four main components: selection, declaration properties and values. Tell me the main difference?

Tell me the CSS Selector?

CSS rules start by selecting an object. The Selector specifies which section of a document applies a rule. When processing HTML CSS the browser uses selectors to select the selected element in a particular style. The selector includes a selection in curly braces.

The method of writing selectors is simple. CSS selectors generally have element selection, as used in the above examples. The element selection tool targets HTML elements using the names they contain. It can be written as a period (.) before the class name.

Tell me the CSS property?

As part of CSS, a property is used to tell the browser which CSS features of elements should change. CSS properties affect different aspects. A property that determines the color, size, font, shape and position of the item on a page.

A property has a value. The properties are divided by a colon containing the values. The browser must first recognize the property in a Declaration. Unfortunately, CSS properties do not always work for all browsers.

What is a CSS declaration?

Upon selecting a selector comes the declaration block, whose curly brace contains a couple of CSS declarations. CSS declarations tell a browser how to style selected elements that consist of properties and values.

The declaration ends in semicolons. However, the declarations are often written on another line despite not being required. The CSS declarations are easier to read by people with the same browser.

Tell me the value of CSS?

Each CSS property has different sets in it. Value specifies how an element should look when displaying its properties. List some of the common property values: Many properties accept a number of values.

The padding value can be as large as 4 value and specifies the space above, left of, below and right of the content of an element. Find out more about CSS box models padding and margining.

CSS Comments

Similar to HTML, you have the option to add comments using CSS. The browser ignores the user comments and can serve as a reference and note for your code.

For comments in CSS, write /*, then the comment and then end in */. Comments can also help test CSS - to delete rule or declaration, simply "comment" the code and then "remove" the code.

External CSS

External CSS is available in a single document. These files contain tags for HTML documents. External CSS is one of the more common ways of implementing CSS in HTML because an external template can influence multiple HTML documents' formatting styles.

Using CSS files developers can quickly make sitewide changes. To create the CSS files simply copy the CSS code into any text editor and save it as. Css extensions.

Internal CSS

Internal CSS are CSS codes that are incorporated within HTML. It is written inside an element that is inserted in a section: Internal CSS is best used for smaller websites or individually customized websites with their unique styling.

In this situation it might help to keep everything you write on the same file rather than switching between different files, whichever you prefer.

Inline CSS

HTML can be embedded in the HTML tags for changing an element style. Is there a distinction between inline and in-line syntax that we can see here? Is there a distinction between style and content? It's a good thing it should be discouraged.

The CSS is inefficient in programming and more difficult than internal and external CSSs. But it should be easier if anyone sees it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I learn CSS?

What cascading style sheets, start reading a bit about CSS's basic syntax and usage. Explore the variety of styles available for your business, including font size, width, height, and font size.

How can I teach myself CSS?

How will I get coding experience with CSS and HTML? They're books. . It is possible to find online courses.

Is it easy to learn CSS?

Unlike most programming languages where learning loops, variables and many other concepts is required, CSS is relatively easily understood. Probably this has led it to become reputed as simple and efficient. There are some things that are easy to do, but not difficult.

Can I learn CSS by myself?

This is what I did when I first learned CSS. This article may sound a bit bold. I want to learn how to learn CSS as I get started. This experience should help accelerate the learning process.

Tell me the best way to learn CSS?

CSS or Cascading stylesheets has been widely used in web design to make displaying websites easier and faster. CSS is essential for students and professional software engineers, particularly if you work in the Web development field.

What you can do with CSS?

It is possible to do more using CSS. The list doesn't end there, there's a lot of things to do with CSS. We will talk more about each topic shortly.

How to add CSS to HTML?

CSS does nothing good when it is not bundled with HTML files. How Does CSS Work with HTML?

What are the fundamentals of CSS?

Csc fundamentals.

  • Describe CSS syntax

  • List some useful HTML templates

  • Use varying CSS selector

  • Use different colors in CSS

  • Recognize CSS comments

  • List CSS code

  • Find coding styles

  • Using many different CSS selectors

  • Use different colors for CSS

  • Using CSS

  • Recognition of comments from CSS.

What are the 3 CSS principles?

Inheritance, cascade, and specificity are all important. This knowledge can help you write powerful stylesheets, as well as save you time by reducing CSS rules.

Can I learn CSS in 2 days?

CSS learning can be easy and you learn it within three to 4-days, however it will depend upon dedication and ability to do it yourself. In a 3-4 day period you can only make a basic property which is used in CSS to define an element.

What are the 6 important topics About CSS course?

This course is extremely well structured. HTML basics. Using a responsive design. Create a smooth interface using CSS animations or transitions. How can I make CSS to be stable? The CSS is an important component in a good design.

How to build CSS grid. Develop a practical project. CSS fundamental. SVG and responsiveness. Create a clean interface using the CSS animation. How can you write maintainable CSS? Create CSS in scales. Discover CSS Grids with build skills. Create real world project ideas.

What is HTML and CSS for Beginners?

HTML has a foundational place on any web page. It defines the structure of the webpage and CSS defines its style. HTML is an important part of creating a site and it's the start! Learn them both to create an amazing web site.

Can I learn HTML and CSS in 10 days?

Do you have the skills to learn CSS or HTML in a very short period of time? It may take between two weeks for you to finish the course and one month for you to practice.

You can learn by using your experiences to develop projects. It's very easy to build a personal website.

What is CSS training?

Cascading style sheet is the design of websites. This is the foundation course for CSS design. From coding skills such as coloring and text to specialized skills such as customized animations.

How can I learn CSS3?

Before starting CSS you need a basic understanding of CSS. Find out the different stylesheets available and how they differ, the selectors and basic styles. Start learning by reading the instructional videos on the MDN site.

Is CSS3 hard to learn?

CSS can be easily learned. CSS is unique because of its difficulty, the deeper you go. It takes no longer to become familiar with the basics, but it will require a bit more practice.

Can I learn CSS in 3 days?

Learning CSS doesn't have to be very difficult, you can learn CSS in 3 to 4 weeks but this largely depends on our commitment and ability. A further benefit of a 3- to 4-day course is a simple property that can be used to create CSS elements.

How long does it take to learn CSS3?

The average learner needs about eight months to learn how CSS (and HTML-both have an inseparability with each other) work.

How can I study CSS?

Read the basics in CSS before starting to understand CSS. Explore the styles available in various formats and their differences, selectors as well as the style and layout of the fonts. Start with a quick overview of the MDN tutorials.

Is CSS studying easy?

Is learning CSS difficult? CSS can be quickly learned and easily. Its CSS design was made accessible to anyone who wanted to create a customized web site online. Some of CSS's syntax is very familiar to anyone learning HTML basics.

What is course CSS?

CSS is responsible for styling and appearance of websites. This course provides introductory learning on CSS. From basic skills like coloring or texting skills to advanced skills like custom animation.

How long does it take to study CSS?

Is learning CSS a lot of effort? For a typical learner who has a high level of discipline, it takes about 7-8 months to learn CSS. In one year, it should give you a greater feeling.

Is CSS difficult to learn?

Unlike some languages that require learning loops, variables and other techniques, CSS can be very intuitive to learn. This is probably because they are so easy. It is easy to describe "not complex," but not easy.

How do I start learning CSS?

First, learn CSS's fundamental syntax and usage. Learn about the various styles available, and how the styles are chosen, as well as basic styling. Getting started is easy with the MDN tutorial pages.

What is CSS beginner?

HTML CSS can be used for styling. HTML defines the contents of a page. CSS means CSSascading stylesheets. The simplest and most efficient way to create a page with the simplest syntax is with CSS code. Style Sheets is a document containing CSS. It is called CSSascading.

What should I learn first in CSS?

Firstly learn HTML, CSS and Java script. CSS provides HTML sections that are not displaying in your HTML. Think of the CSS as the coating of coloured wax on HTML. Changing appearance is still "solid". After applying this CSS it should go away.


Learn how to code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, C#, SQL, and more.

No matter the programming language you're looking to learn, I've hopefully compiled an incredible set of tutorials for you to learn; whether you are beginner or an expert, there is something for everyone to learn. Each topic I go in-depth and provide many examples throughout. I can't wait for you to dig in and improve your skillset with any of the tutorials below.